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Messages - Dressel Rebel

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Good News for the A-Team.
« on: August 11, 2004, 11:26 PM »
Bush looks like he's trying to figure out where the medal goes.

The A's will win the West and the Angels will win the Wild Card.

The way I see it any of the three - A's, Angels, or Rangers can take the AL West, and the remaining 2 combined with the Red Sox all have a one in three chance of winning the AL wild card.  It's tight.

Over in the NL, what the HELL happened to the Astros?  I know you Red Sox fans may disagree, but just looking at winning percentage W and L's, the Astros are the most perplexingly underachieving team in '04.  I don't get it.  Beltran, Kent, Berkman, Bagwell, Pettitte, Clemens, Oswalt.  Man.

Damn me for leaving Santana on my bench for todays game >:(

Don't feel bad.  I actually did the same thing for Jason Schmidt last night.  It seems that they moved up his start 1 game.  Our mistakes cancel out.  

I've been pleasantly quiet of late in this thread, but I just wanted to make sure that everyone here was aware that my Dodgers are officially KICKING ALL YOUR ASSES right now.

So they are. So they are. One thing certain about the Dodgers from the last dozen years, they'll find a way to screw up.  :-*

****Breaking News****
GM DePodesta sucks lifeforce from Dodgers.

LoDuca? Dave Roberts? These two (along with Gagne and to a lesser extent, Green) were the backbone of the Dodgers. What was DePodesta thinking?

Not that I'm complaining.  ;D

Brad Penny and his 3.15 ERA and 1.25 WHIP isn't such a bad thing.  This is a guy who beat the Yankees twice in the World Series last year, winning a championship.  He is the 15th to 20th best pitcher in baseball, somewhere in there.  While Lo Duca may be a fan favorite in LA, he was a tad overrated on the left coast.  He averages just 125 games per year over his career.  At the same time, while LoDuca was just a little better than average offensively most of his career, Steve Finley's bat that was also added with Penny more than makes up for Lo Duca leaving.  And remember, pitching wins.  I think the Dodgers are a much better team adding Brad Penny and Steve Finley.  And those changes are magnified in a weak division.

A flurry of deals today, the biggest being the Dodgers/Marlins deal.  Very suprised that the Dodgers dealt LoDuca, who I consider to be the heart of their squad.  They must really be confident that they can land Randy Johnson.  Supposed Unit is going to sleep on the deal to LA.  

I don't think there's a team on the planet that wouldn't deal Lo Duca for Brad Penny anyhow; regardless of whether it turns into a 1/2 year of the Unit or not.


BTW, A-Rod suspended for 4 games for that brawl with the Sox.

Varitek should have gotten 5-7 for punching A Rod in the face to start the whole thing, then maybe 1-2 for A Rod for being involved.  What was A Rod supposed to do, let Varitek punch him in the face and walk calmly back to the dugout?

Page 3 :-\

Trading deadline is fast approaching, sounds like the Twins are making a serious play for Kris Benson...he'd be a great pick up...may ship out Mientkiewicz too

Sounds like Giambi is really sick :-\  Or its BALCO coming back to bite him in the ass

He feels weak cuz of the lack of steroids.  Ceeeeeerrrrrash!!!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What a loser...
« on: July 24, 2004, 01:28 AM »
Whatever, we have the Death Star and Vader's use of the force.  He'd choke Scotty from a mile away before he ordered the death star gunners to blow up his weak little ship.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football
« on: July 18, 2004, 12:01 PM »
This football league is going to be fun for me because I have never followed football in my life.  Though I've had success winning both baseball and basketball fantasy leagues multiple times, I have never even participated in an NFL fantasy league, never watched a full NFL game to completion, and probably couldn't even name 12 NFL teams off the top of my head.

I just checked the top 200 NFL fantasy picks, I have heard of 19 of those players.

So before we draft, I just have one question guys...

Is Emmitt Smith still the best active player?


JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football
« on: July 18, 2004, 11:47 AM »
Watch it bub...its a long season :-*

A long season, and a big cushion to overcome.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football
« on: July 18, 2004, 08:16 AM »
I'm in.

Dressel's Rebellion!!!

You're goin' down chump!  8)

I know.  I'll be the reigning JediDefender Fantasy Baseball Champion cradling my trophy in the basement of the fantasy football league.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football
« on: July 17, 2004, 10:34 PM »
I'm in.

Dressel's Rebellion!!!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Martha Stewart...going to JAIL
« on: July 17, 2004, 07:21 AM »
5 months! What a joke.

As long as you're not the one doing the time, I guess.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: Fantasy Baseball 2004
« on: July 15, 2004, 10:39 PM »
With the conclusion of pre-All Star break play, the season is 50% over.  Here is the second  of 4 Quarterly Updates on the JediDefender Fantasy Baseball League, courtesy of Yahoo Stat-Tracker.

July 15, 2004



1. Sarges Sluggers (588)
2. Nataku Dragons (571)
3. Old Cocky Bastards (522)


1. Springfield Isotopes (185)
2. Old Cocky Bastards (182)
3. Dressel's Rebels (179)


1. Nataku Dragons (19)
2. Cubs (18)
3. 2 tied (14)


1. Dressel's Rebels (177)
2. Old Cocky Bastards (152)
3. 2 tied  (132)

Runs Batted In:

1. Dressel's Rebels (552)
2. Old Cocky Bastards (485)
3. Springfield Isotopes (484)


1. Dressel's Rebels (508)
2. Old Cocky Bastards (507)
3. Sarges Sluggers (477)

Stolen Bases:

1. Nataku Dragons (70)
2. Sarges Sluggers (48)
3. Cubs (46)



1. Sarges Sluggers (53)
---Dressel's Rebels (53)
3. Nataku Dragons (50)


1. Springfield Isotopes (37)
2. J Sox (35)
3. Sarges Sluggers (34)


1. Nataku Dragons (3)
---Old Cocky Bastards (3)
3. 2 Teams TIED at (2)

Earned Runs Allowed:

1. Sarges Sluggers (357)
2. Dressel's Rebels (301)
3. Springfield Isotopes (291)

Walks Allowed:

1. Cubs (247)
2. Sarges Sluggers (236)
3. Old Cocky Bastards (220)


1. Dressel's Rebels (80)
2. Springfield Isotopes (54)
3. Old Cocky Bastards (43)

Strikeouts by Pitcher:

1. Sarges Sluggers (694)
2. Old Cocky Batards (629)
3. Nataku Dragons (617)

OVERALL STANDINGS (points behind)

1. Dressel's Rebels -------------------
2. Old Cocky Bastards --------- - 236
3. Sarges Sluggers------------- - 393
4. Nataku Dragons ------------ - 584
5. Springfield Isotopes ------- - 619
6. Cubs -------------------------- - 1002
7. J Sox -------------------------- - 1402

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football
« on: July 15, 2004, 08:00 PM »
I know next to nothing about hockey and football.

You can always count me in for baseball and basketball fantasy leagues.

But if I can find the time to learn some of these football players in a quick crash course, I'll toss my hat into the ring.

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