Author Topic: ROTS Recent Purchases  (Read 311183 times)

Offline JediKnight87

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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #75 on: May 3, 2005, 03:11 AM »
Got a clone pilot finally. 
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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #76 on: May 3, 2005, 03:34 AM »
Sunday I found my 2nd Clone Pilot and Palpatine with the Red Saber.  I really gave that figure more credit than it deserved, it's another salt & pepper shake unfortunately.  I thought it was more than that, plus mine's got a nasty "lean" due to the lame-ass feature.

Anyway, saw another Clone Pilot rolling away in a buggy, guess I could've had an ARC-load, but I was a couple minutes too late.

Still never seen an AT-TE Gunner or Commander, much less the Neimodian, Wookiee, and SA Clone.  :(  Even #6 CLone's gone around here save for the rare one at the bottom of the bin at TRU.

Clones not on shelves in time for E3 premiere?  Retail (and Hasbro case assortment decision makers) should be ashamed.   ::)
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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #77 on: May 3, 2005, 04:23 AM »
It's so weird.  There are literally TONS of commanders and pilots on the shelves at Target and WM here.  No Tank Gunners, but I have to wonder how long that will last. 

I'm real disappointed in Palpy too.  He would have been a lot better if only he had ball jointed shoulders.  He can't even stab and electrocute somebody at the same time.   :(

Offline Pete_Fett

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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #78 on: May 3, 2005, 09:50 AM »
Between yesterday and today - picked up my two sets (one MOC and one opener) of the Deluxe Wave 2 assortment.

I've already opened up the Vader, Jet-pack Clone and Vulture Droid.

Will tear into the Yoda on Can-cell tonight!

All-in-all very pleased with these four deluxe figures - it is a WAY better wave than the launch wave.

This morning saw Collection 1, Wave 3 all over the place, Walmart and Target, plenty of Clone Pilots, Clone Commanders, Blue & Red Saber versions of Palpatine #35 and Exploding Grievous. One Target had what was left of a Collaction 2, Wave 3 case - one Pollis Massan and a Vader Medical Droid.

Glad to see the Wave 3 figures are starting to show up. Still haven't seen the Wave 4 Col 1 figures yet. Haven't seen the Dooku saber variant Anakin either. Not sure if that's in the case with the Wave 3 or Wave 4 figures though.

I'm still looking for a second Gunship - I'm kicking myself that I just didn't buy the two I saw a KB Toys on the 2nd - it's not like KB's price was bad or nothing either - it was $29.99 - same as Target/TRU. I'm also dying to find the Mustafar playset - can't wait to open up one of those and fiddle with it!

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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #79 on: May 3, 2005, 01:45 PM »
It's so weird. There are literally TONS of commanders and pilots on the shelves at Target and WM here. No Tank Gunners, but I have to wonder how long that will last.

I'm real disappointed in Palpy too. He would have been a lot better if only he had ball jointed shoulders. He can't even stab and electrocute somebody at the same time. :(

Yeah, I've noticed the nice abundance of commanders and pilots and lack of gunners...I still don't have any of those.

I'm debating whether or not I should buy up some of the commanders...I already have two but this is my favorite figure so far!!  Gotta love the double holsters and awesome paint scheme.

These guys make great custom fodder - remove the skirt and repaint the red to blue or yellow - at least that's my plan!!

Offline JediKnight87

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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #80 on: May 4, 2005, 02:39 AM »
I got a clone pilot today. There were four sitting on the pegs. I was going to get two but I left the other three on the pegs for other collectors.
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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #81 on: May 4, 2005, 06:36 PM »
Scored two Commanders online, watch them pop up all over in stores now.
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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #82 on: May 4, 2005, 07:04 PM »
Picked up 3 #6 clones, 3 commanders, and 2 pilots. I traded 2 of the commanders and 1 of the pilots to a friend though.

Offline MetalJedi

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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #83 on: May 4, 2005, 08:12 PM »
Unleashed Stormie
2 Tank Gunners from Amazon
« Last Edit: May 4, 2005, 08:13 PM by MetalJedi »
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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #84 on: May 4, 2005, 08:16 PM »
Unleashed Stormie
2 Tank Gunners from Amazon

Nice pickup on the Unleashed Stormie.  Where did you get it?

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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #85 on: May 5, 2005, 01:08 AM »
Well dont give me props just yet, I had to resort to ebay.  ::)
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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #86 on: May 5, 2005, 12:36 PM »
Found Cut me up Vader and Flying Trooper today, along with a few AT-TE gunners (very cool fig).  I don't like the flying trooper all that much, I have not opened him yet since I'm a work but he does not seem all that for a deluxe.  The flying pack is not that big.  If you compare him with Yoda and the massive 16 inch wingspan dragonfly thing, he comes up way short, just the vulture droid does.
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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #87 on: May 5, 2005, 10:01 PM »
A few days late, but I finally found an AT-TE Gunner at a local WM on Tuesday morning.  Amazingly, both of them were still hanging on the front of the pegs along with a plethora of the Vader MD and Polis Massan figures, but Mas Amedda was gone the way of the dodo.  I mean, it's a nice figure, but who looks at him and the AT-TE Gunner and says, "I'll take the one with the tongue."*

So, even though I'm not really caught up, I am caught up in my mind.  1-40 are now complete and I'm looking forward to being continually frustrated looking for 41-56 due to the crapload of 1-32 that every retailer from here to Abu-Dhabi has these days.

*minds out of the gutter, guys :)

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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #88 on: May 6, 2005, 09:00 AM »
Went and checked a couple of stores yesterday after work (and picked up the soundtrack as well).  Both Target and Wal-Mart had stocked a little bit of "newish" stuff, mainly the #33-36 figures.  To be honest, what I saw the most of was Clone Pilots.  There were tons of those.  I found one Clone Commander at Wal-Mart, and decided to pick it up.  Just a real nice figure.  I had the "Splodin'!!" Grievous in the cart, but ultimately decided to put it back.  I just didn't think that I really needed it, and from what I've read on here from others that have picked it is apparently "teh suck".  Anyways, they had several of those as well, so I don't know if they are going anywhere anytime soon.  A few Palpys as well (red saber version), and other than that it was more of the same.  I have seen #37-40 (minus the Tank Gunner) at Wal-Mart as well, but those seem to have sold for the most part now.

Thanks to the info from you guys here at JD, I was able to score the Target Clonetrooper as well.  I checked the Star Wars section, and nothing there, and as the Mrs. and I walked over to look at dog stuff, there was a Target employee stocking rubbermaid containers.  I just asked her if she could look up a DCPI number for me, to see if they had any in stock, and she said sure.  I gave it to her, and she asked me what it was, and I told her "a Star Wars figure".  She then took me to the Star Wars section to show me that is where they kept their figures, and asked if I saw the one I needed there.  I said "no, I don't think so", so she called back to see if they were in the stockroom (and they were), then asked how many I wanted.  I just went with one, but I have the feeling I could have had as many as I wanted.  I don't think this lady was particularly knowledgeable on it, but was more than happy to help and quite friendly.  Anyways, i was quite happy to get one (despite the $12.99 price), and now I don't have to keep checking or try to get over there on Mother's Day.

On a side note...regarding Wal-Mart...they seem to have a strange pricing thing going on over there.  Our particular store has basically two Star Wars sections.  One very large section that you can see when walking the "main aisle", and then another, smaller section, that is located in the action figure aisle...where the "normal" section would be.  The pegs on the large section have the figures priced at $4.98, while the old section is still at $5.24.  A week or so ago, I picked up Polis Massan, Amedda, and a #6 Clone.  When we checked out, Polis and Mas rang up $4.98, while the Clone was $5.24.  The lines were crazy, and I didn't mess with the hassle to get the 26 cents back, so I let it go.  Then last night, same thing, pegs labeled $4.98, but the Clone Commander fig I found rang up for $5.24.  I don't know if they have some sort of dual price thing going on or what.  At first I thought that maybe the older stock was $4.98, and newer was at the normal, $5.24 price...but that doesn't make sense since the 37-40 figures were at the lower price.  Oh well, the weekly ad says $5.24, so that is probably the correct price anyways....just found it odd.  On a side note, both Target and Wal-Mart still didn't have the Vader TIME Magazine, instead having the May 2nd issue featuring the new Pope.  I'm guessing (hoping) that the Vader one doesn't actually hit until next week, sure would like to pick it up.

Offline Pete_Fett

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Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« Reply #89 on: May 6, 2005, 09:45 AM »
Went to a couple of Walmarts and a Target this morning. Lots of figures #33 - #36 to be found. Smaller number of figures #37 - #40 (minus the tank gunner of course)....

At my last stop (the second WalMart) scored myself my opener Gunship (Finally!!!) and two of the Mustafar playsets. So now I can finally see what the deal is with this playset.

Also in the aisle were plenty of 12" figures - more Shaak Ti and Barriss Offee dolls - I had already picked them up at this same WalMart earlier in the week - but I did snag the cardboard case boxes themselves - need something to pack the ROTS 12" figures in for the pending move and all...

It's always fun to see the employees look at you weird when you're happily taking home something they consider to be trash.

Letting my collecting OCD get the better of me on a DAILY basis... and loving EVERY minute of it!